Illustrative Journal 007

Singing at the doctors and silent birds.

Singing at the Doctors

Whilst visiting the doctors last week for one reason or another I sat in the waiting room poised for my time slot when a seemingly ordinary older couple came out from their appointment. The lady went to speak to the receptionist whilst the man waited outside. The man, much to my surprise and joy, began singing in a soft baritone voice. The song was unknown to me but boy could he carry a tune. I smiled from the waiting room as I watched him through the window and I loved the fact he gave zero care to where he was and to who heard him. The man just wanted to sing, I thought, and amen to that!

Regardless of whether he could carry a tune or not I would have been proud of that old boy. It reminded me that life is short and to sing or do anything even if you don’t have great talent is a beautiful thing and a must if it brings you joy.

Silent Birds

A quote by Henry Van Dyke cites that you should Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” Amen to that too, Henry!

As I go through work and life I like to remind myself that it’s about joy in this world. Which is why I play the guitar and sing in my bedroom quite often. I am by no means the most accomplished guitarist and only occasionally can I carry a tune. Still it brings me joy. Similarly with my creative vocation, I am humble enough to admit that I’m not the best creative mind in the world. But what sets me apart from others is the insatiable joy and thirst I have for illustration and design. This seldom squashed joy is my superpower dammit and I will keep on regardless with my creative pursuits (and singing sometimes) until it no longer makes me happy. Until then I refuse to lock up my voice and deny myself basic happy stuff.


Thanks for reading. Pete :)


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