Illustrative Journal 003

It’s funny how the universe see’s you sometimes. I’m not usually one for that kind of thing when it comes to higher powers, but hear me out.

Since I wrote about how freelance life is not linear earlier this week, a couple of interesting things have visited me since that article about making ends meet and getting a mortgage. These 2 interventions have completely spun me around and changed my view point. Call it an intervention from a higher power or just coincidence, either way I was looking for something and I found it. Or did it find me?

An email from a creative friend
After said article was published, a fellow Plymouth designer reached out in the morning with kind words and a message of solidarity about the hard climate in the creative industry at the moment. Reaffirming how hard freelance life can be he simply said, chin up and crack on doing what you love. I needed this yesterday. To know I wasn’t alone and to know it wasn’t all bad. That email came from Plymouth designer Simon Edwin of Studiose.

A poem about raging against the dying of the light
Later on in the afternoon I was met with a reel on Instagram of Michael Sheen narrating the Dylan Thomas poem, “Do not go gentle into that good night.” Me being me I began welling up with the powerful narration of the poem. The poem itself is about a defiant person in the face of death and serves as a strong reminder of survival and endurance against the odds. Two lines woke me up… “Do not go gentle into that good night” and “Rage, rage against the dying of the light”.

Again, I needed to hear this. My conceptual brain adapted these words to mean that against all odds with my business that I should not go gentle and that I should fight and try and keep hold of what’s important. That being my business in this scenario.

The universe, twice here, came-a-knocking to get me back on track and today I’m feeling more positive than earlier this week. Don’t you love it when a little jolt in right direction does that?

Thanks for reading!
Pete :)


Illustrative Journal 004


Illustrative Journal 002